WMR (Review Format Info) __ __ __ | \ __ ______/ |_ | | | o \ | | | / o | \ |o | | \| o| |o _/ | o\ []=======| |==| \ |=| |/ | \========[] []=======| |==| \ |=| | |\ \=======[] []=======| |==| \|=| | |=\ \======[] :: | | | \ | | | / / :: :. | | | |\ \| | /| |/ / :: : | | |/\ | \ | |/ | | / : | | / \| |\ | | | | / :. | | / \ | \ | |__| | / .: :: | |/ \| \_| | |/ : :: | /\ | | __| |\ :: []=======| / \ |=| |==| | \==========[] []=======| /| \ |=| |==| | \=========[] []=======| /=| |\ |=| |==| | \========[] |o / | | \ o| |o | | |\ o\(mansooj) |_/ | o | \_| |__/ | o | \__/ |___| |___| (last updated 08.26.97) -----================================================================----- -----==============================================----- -=[ Notes on the format of database reviews ]=- -----==============================================----- The header segment for each module's review entry consists of the following elements, in order: Title Title of the module, and also a hotspot which you can click to directly download the module. Occasionally, this will be followed by a "mix name/title" or version number or some such related info. Byline Author's handle or real name followed by his group affiliations as noted in the module itself or attendant readmes/diz/nfo/etc. files. Format/Channels/Playtime Format abbreviation (MOD = 4-channel module; XM = FastTracker 2.0; S3M = ScreamTracker 3.0+; IT = ImpulseTracker; FTK = FastTracker pre 2.0; MTM = MultiTracker; MED = OctaMED); number of channels used; play length in minutes:seconds. Filename/Packed Size/Unpacked Size This shows the filename under which the module is found at the site that is used for downloading purposes (by clicking on the module's name in the header). This is followed by the approximate size of the archive file in kilobytes, as well as the approximate unpacked size of the module only, in kilobytes. Styles This is a list in order of dominance of the prevailing styles influencing the module. This can be from one to four styles. Each module is ranked by style as well as on an overall scale. The Style Rankings page is set up to show modules both ranked in their main and secondary (if one is noted) styles. This section of the info header will have the first two styles hotspotted for clicking which will take you to the rankings page for that those styles. Sometimes below this will be a more free-form representation of the style of the module as stated by the composer or one of his group-mates. Info Blurb When the info is available, there will be a paragraph or so relating some points about the module itself. This is in the words of the composer or one of his groupmates. This is normally taken from the module itself or an attendant readme/diz/nfo/etc. file. Whoever that person is is noted in brackets at the end of the info. Ratings Table This is the list of reviewers that have reviewed each particular module, and their 1-100 ratings (higher is better) covering the overall impression of the module, and in most cases, ratings on composition, technical, originality and samples. These are ordered from highest overall rating to lowest. The symbol tagged to the right of each overall rating is an indication of the particular leaning of that reviewer towards the style of the module being rated. A "+" means the reviewer generally likes the sort of music represented by the module, a "-" means the opposite, and a "=" means they didn't really have much of a leaning one way or another with regard to the style. This is useful because it might allow you to consider a particular rating/review more or less valid depending on each reviewer's own personal preferences. Commentary These are the worded reviews from each reviewer. Here is where they tell you about their impressions of the module. What was good, what was bad, and whatever else they happen to think was worth mentioning. If the commentary makes reference to modules other than the one being spoken of, there will be a "References" block trailing the commentary itself. From here, you will have the opportunity to download the module referred to (if I have a link for it), and/or skip to the reviews for this module if we've reviewed it already. Note that sometimes I'll have more than one available link, so the word "download" will be broken up into multiple hotspots in those cases. Note: if the "[reviews]" button is not highlighted it means that the module is still undergoing the review process and will be added to the database when completed. -----================================================================-----